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This guide describes the LibKey suite of products, which simplify access to library-licensed journal articles..



This guide describes four related services: LibKey Nomad, LibKey Discovery, LibKey Link, and LibKey IO.

What is LibKey?

LibKey is a service (3rd party application) that simplifies user access to library-licensed and open access journal articles.

LibKey Nomad

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for the Chrome, Firefox, and Edge web browsers.

*Important Note* The Rowan University Information Security Office has blocked access to the Chrome browser extension library on Rowan managed laptops and desktops of Rowan faculty and staff that have access to PHI (Protected Healthcare Information). Those users will not be able to install LibKey Nomad on Chrome.  A work-around is to install and use LibKey Nomad on a different browser.  

Once you install LibKey Nomad, you can use it to download full text articles to which we subscribe, from any publisher website where you find them. (Otherwise you would need to go to the library website to access the full text if you are off campus.)

When the full text PDF is available to you, you will see a LibKey Download PDF icon in the bottom left corner of the page.

If it is not, you will see a button labeled Access Options which will direct you to our Interlibrary Loan system.

Watch the short video shown below to learn how to download the extension for the browser you use.  

How do I install LibKey Nomad if I use Chrome?

The LibKey Nomad extension is available from the Chrome web store at the link below:

There are two easy steps: 1) Click the Add Extension button; 2) Select Rowan University from the institution list.

When you have completed the installation your screen should look like this:


What will an article look like with LibKey Nomad installed?

Screenshot of a journal article on a publisher website with a LibKey Nomad Download PDF button.

Journal article screenshot


Screenshot of LibKey Nomad buttons in PubMed results.

LibKey Discovery

What is LibKey Discovery?

LibKey Discovery integrates LibKey into Library Search (Rowan University Libraries' resource discovery tool) to provide one-click access to the full text of library-licensed and open access articles. 

When you find an article in Library Search for which full text is available through Rowan University subscriptions, you will see a Download Now link. Click on the link to download the full text.

There is also an option to view the table of contents of the journal issue in which the article appears. 


Browser compatibility

LibKey Discovery works with any browser. 

Which publishers does LibKey work with?

LibKey Link

What is LibKey Link?

LibKey Link integrates with PubMed to provide one-click access to the full text of articles found in PubMed. 

Like with the other LibKey products, if full text is available through the user's library subscriptions, it can be downloaded immediately. Otherwise, the user is offered options for requesting the article from their institution's interlibrary loan system.

In our implementation you will see our link resolver button (Get it! button) just as you do now. If a library-licensed PDF is available, you will bypass the usual second page with options for online availability, and go straight to the PDF. 

Browser compatibility

LibKey Link works with any browser. 

LibKey IO

What is LibKey IO?

LibKey IO is a library search tool into which you enter an article identifier to link to articles in Rowan University journal subscriptions.

Just type "" into a browser, choose Rowan University, and then enter either a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or PMID (PubMed Identifier).

To skip having to choose your university, type in "" to go directly to the Rowan University page for LibKey IO.

DOI Example


PMID Example