The OA Publishing Fund has paused acceptance of new applications as of 3/4/25. Rowan University Libraries is transitioning to a new application processing vendor for this fund. The fund will be re-opened for submissions once the new vendor has been enabled. We apologize for any inconvenience. For additional questions please contact
Rowan University Libraries’ Open Access Fund is now accepting applications for the current Academic Year.
Please reach out to OApubfund with any questions or contact your librarian.
For the current cycle, there will be $30,000 available in the Open Access Publishing Fund (OAPF) to support authors at Glassboro, $15,000 to support authors at CMSRU, and $15,000 to support authors at SOM campuses. The Fund will be distributed on a rolling basis for a seventh year.
The award limit will be $3,000 per award author this year. If the funds are exhausted for any campus, a notice will be posted on the landing page of the fund application. (Link above.)
Important details about the Fund (please see additional details below):
Only publications in open access journals are eligible for this award, i.e., the open access journal does not charge any subscription fee to access any of its content. All content published is available immediately and at no cost to readers. The author has paid no APC before applying. Please note that the library is not able to reimburse the author directly.
The Funds do not support payments to hybrid journals where an author can pay a fee to make their work (from an otherwise toll access publication) openly accessible.
Who is eligible?
All current Rowan faculty and staff at all Rowan University campuses may apply for these funds. Please note, if there are limited funds remaining, priority will be given to tenure-track Rowan faculty. Please note, that for manuscripts containing authors from external institutions, the Rowan-affiliated author must be the corresponding author on the manuscript.
Note: Tenure track faculty, please verify that your selected journal for publication meets the tenure, recontracting, and/or promotional evaluation criteria for your respective departments.
Funding criteria:
Rowan University Libraries will review the proposals to determine if they meet the eligibility criteria below. No consideration will be given to the content of the manuscript.
Rowan authors must meet the following requirements:
1. Article or book chapter has been accepted for publication (provide email/letter of acceptance as proof)
2. The open access journal or open access book chapter is peer-reviewed
3. The open access journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and/or openly adheres to rigorous editorial and publication ethics. For example, see COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, and the COPE/DOAJ/OASPA/WAME Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. Other examples include Biomed Central or Pubmed Central. Open access book publishers may be listed in the Directory of Open Access Books. Publishers must be members of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association or adhere to its Code of Conduct.
4. The open access journal or open access book explicitly states its fee schedules on its website.
5. The open access journal or open access book does not charge any subscription fee to access any of its content. All content published is available immediately and at no cost to readers.
6. Authors retain copyright to their work. The OA publisher uses Creative Commons licenses or similar open licenses to make work freely available and accessible at no cost to the reader.
7. The author has paid no APC before applying. Please note that the library cannot reimburse the author directly.
8. A copy of the work must be deposited in Rowan Digital Works. Submit a copy of the final publisher PDF, when work is published, to Rowan Digital Works for depositing in Rowan Digital Works.
9. Upon proof of acceptance for publication of a journal article or book, invoices must be made to Knowledge Unlatched (not the authors) for payment to be completed.
General Facts about the Fund:
OA funds are available for peer-reviewed journal articles and scholarly monographs..
Authors with no external funding associated with the publication will be given priority. Still, authors with external funding that cannot be used to underwrite open access fees will also be eligible. Fees occurring after the closure of a grant are eligible. Authors who could have applied for grant coverage of open access fees but failed to do so will not usually be eligible for institutional open access support unless their grant application was made before the institutional open access fund existed.
What the OA fund will not cover.
Payment to any journal that charges a subscription fee to access any of its content.
Payment to hybrid journals where an author can pay a fee to make their work (from an otherwise toll access publication) openly accessible.
When funds are available via research grants that cover the cost of publication, funds may not be used for reprints, color illustration fees, non-OA page charges, permissions fees, web hosting for self-archiving, or other expenses not directly related to open access fees.
Works submitted to non-credible publication venues will not be funded. To check the credibility of journals, authors may use the following tools to determine if a given journal is credible for publication purposes:
- Cabells Scholarly Analytics Predatory Reports
Amount of support:
The fund will support one successful application of up to $3,000 per author annually. Any funding that surpasses the award amount is the responsibility of the submitter/authors or their department.
Rowan University Libraries will pay directly to the publisher if the application is successful and upon proof of acceptance for publication of a journal article or book. Invoices must be made to Knowledge Unlatched (not the authors). Rowan University Libraries is unable to process expedited payments to vendors. Please ensure that the Bill to address includes the following:
Knowledge Unlatched
A Wiley brand
Wiley-VCH GmbH – A company of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - Location of the Company:
Berlin, Rotherstraße 21, D-10245 Berlin, Germany
VAT number: DE136766623
Application/reward timeline:
The application period will open beginning on August 15 of each year and will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are depleted.
Please direct inquiries to