Google Scholar provides links and citations to scholarly materials, including academic articles, books, and conference presentations. It provides access to the full text of some sources, but it can also provide links to the full text of items available through Rowan University Libraries.
To add Library Links for Rowan, follow these instructions:
Now when you search in Google Scholar from this browser, your results should link directly to full text of each article, courtesy of Rowan University Libraries.
Google Scholar also allows you to:
See how many times an article has been cited and see where it has been cited: On the search results page, click the "Cited by" link under a citation. (See the section below on citation chaining.)
Find related articles: Click the "Related articles" link below a citation.
Export citations into your preferred citation manager (e.g., RefWorks, Endnote Zotero).
Explore or keep track of an area of research: Set up Alerts.
Make your own scholarly work more findable for others (relevant if you have published scholarly material): Click "My Profile" on the Google Scholar homepage to create or to access your personal profile and to find or add works you have authored.
One of the best ways to find more sources on a topic is through citation chaining. Google Scholar's "Cited by" feature shows you sources that have cited the original source.
Video: Citation Chaining with Google Scholar (Seattle U Library)