This guide contains links to, and information about using, materials to prepare for the Praxis Core and Praxis II examinations. Some of these materials are available from the library, some from elsewhere on Rowan's campus, and some freely online from the makers of the test. Click on the test you need to prepare for in the menu on the left, and choose the materials that work best for you!
(Note: some materials may require you to log in with your Rowan NetID.)
Use these resources to prepare for the Praxis Core exams (test codes 5713, 5723, and 5733).
Praxis Core Test Prep Flash Cards and Workbooks
Use these resources to prepare for Praxis II test code 5025.
Use these resources to prepare for test codes 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, and 5005.
Use these resources to prepare for test code 5354.
Use these resources to prepare for test code 5362.
Use these resources to prepare for test codes 5301, 5302, 5205, or 5206.
Use these resources to prepare for other Content Knowledge Praxis II exams (various test codes).