A Probability and Statistics Companion by John J. KinneyCall Number: Available online
ISBN: 1282114611
Publication Date: 2009-01-01
1. Probability and Sample Spaces; Why Study Probability?; Probability; Sample Spaces; Some Properties of Probabilities; Finding Probabilities of Events; Conclusions; Explorations;
2. Permutations and Combinations: Choosing the Best Candidate;
Acceptance Sampling; Permutations;
Counting Principle; Permutations with Some Objects Alike; Permuting Only Some of the Objects; Combinations;
General Addition Theorem and Applications; Conclusions; Explorations;
3. Conditional Probability;
Introduction; Some Notation;
Bayes' Theorem; Conclusions;
4. Geometric Probability;
Conclusion; Explorations;
5. Random Variables and Discrete Probability Distributions-Uniform, Binomial, Hypergeometric, and Geometric Distributions; Introduction; Discrete Uniform Distribution;
Mean and Variance of a Discrete Random Variable; Intervals, σ, and German Tanks; Sums; Binomial Probability Distribution; Mean and Variance of the Binomial Distribution;
Sums; Hypergeometric Distribution;
Other Properties of the Hypergeometric Distribution;
Geometric Probability Distribution;
Conclusions; Explorations;
6. Seven-Game Series in Sports
Introduction; Seven-Game Series;
Winning the First Game; How Long Should the Series Last?; Conclusions;
7. Waiting Time Problems;
Waiting for the First Success;
The Mythical Island; Waiting for the Second Success; Waiting for the fourth Success; Mean of the Negative Binomial; Collecting Cereal Box Prizes; Heads Before Tails;
Waiting for Patterns; Expected Waiting Time for HH; Expected Waiting Time for TH; An Unfair Game with a Fair Coin; Three Tosses; Who Pays for Lunch?; Expected Number of Lunches; Negative Hypergeometric Distribution; Mean and Variance of the Negative Hypergeometric; Negative Binomial Approximation; The Meaning of the Mean; First Occurrences;
Waiting Time for c Special Items to Occur; Estimating k; Conclusions;
8. Continuous Probability Distributions:
Sums, the Normal Distribution, and the Central Limit Theorem; Bivariate Random Variables; Uniform Random Variable; Sums; A Fact About Means;
Normal Probability Distribution;
Facts About Normal Curves;
Bivariate Random Variables; Variance;
Central Limit Theorem: Sums;
Central Limit Theorem: Means;
Central Limit Theorem Expected Values and Bivariate Random Variables; Means and Variances of Means; A Note on the Uniform Distribution; Conclusions;
9. Statistical Inference I;
Estimation; Confidence Intervals;
Hypothesis Testing; β and the Power of a Test; p-Value for a Test; Conclusions; Explorations;
10. Statistical Inference II: Continuous Probability Distributions II-Comparing Two Samples; The Chi-Squared Distribution; Statistical Inference on the Variance; Student t Distribution;
Testing the Ratio of Variances: The F Distribution; Tests on Means from Two Samples; Conclusions; Explorations
11. Statistical Process Control
This one-of-a-kind book delves into practical topics that are crucial in the analysis of sample surveys and experimentation. The book recognizes that there are many sampling techniques that can actually improve on simple random sampling, and in addition, an introduction to the design of experiments is provided to reflect recent advances in conducting scientific experiments. Additional topical coverage includes: Probability and sample spaces, Choosing the best candidate, Acceptance sampling, Conditional probability, Random variables and discrete probability distributions, Waiting time problems, Continuous probability distributions, Statistical inference, Nonparametric methods, Least squares and medians, Recursions and probability.