The library does not subscribe to every journal published. If you don't see a Full Text link below the article citation, look for a button labeled "Get it!" This application will check for access to the full text of the article within the library's subscriptions.
If a message is displayed indicating that we don't have access, choose the Campbell Library Interlibrary Loan Request link to order the article through our Illiad online system.
Use these subscription journal collections to locate published research in chemistry and biochemistry.
Chemistry journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
Most current ACS journals are available in full text. The Legacy Archive includes access to journals formerly published by the ACS. For coverage dates of specific journals, use the Journal Finder search feature on the library website.
CAS database of chemical substances, reactions, and journal literature. Registration required.
Register Here. After registering, please always access SciFinder-n from here and not from the confirmation email.
SciFindern allows you to explore the journal and patent literature for information about chemical substances and reactions and chemistry-related research topics. You must register and create your own account and password to use this database, which is for academic, non-commercial use only (see license agreement for details). Full text access is available for those journals to which we have electronic subscriptions.
Full text database of scientific journal articles with data on who has cited them.
Provides immediate data on who has cited research papers, covering high impact journals, including Open Access journals, conference proceedings, and current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
If you have a complete citation (author, article title, journal, volume, issue, date), you can use our Citation Linker form to link directly to the article.