This guide is for Bioinformatics students who need to find scholarly research using library resources.
For additional resources check out the Bioinformatics guide from Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine:
A good place to begin your literature search is with a multi-disciplinary science database like Web of Science.
Full text database of scientific journal articles with data on who has cited them.
Provides immediate data on who has cited research papers, covering high impact journals, including Open Access journals, conference proceedings, and current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
If you want to learn more about searching the literature of biology or computer science, visit these related research guides:
This guide will show you how to find scientific literature in bioinformatics.
Go to the Find Journal Articles page to learn how to find articles in bioinformatics journals.
Go to the Find Databases page to learn what subscription databases are best for locating bioinformatics literature.
Go to the Find Books page to learn how to find bioinformatics books.
Go to the Find Patents and Websites page to explore bioinformatics patents and websites.
Go to the Library Tools page to learn about some useful library tools.
Journals publish papers in specific, often very specialized, academic fields. Articles go through a review and acceptance process before being published.
If you are looking for a specific journal in your field and want to determine if the library subscribes to it, use our Journal Search
Enter the name of the journal in the Journals search box. If the library has a subscription, the results list will show which library databases offer access to the journal and for what years.
The library does not subscribe to every journal published. If you don't see a Full Text link below the article citation, look for a button labeled "Get it!" This application will check for access to the full text of the article within the library's subscriptions.
If a message is displayed indicating that we don't have access, choose the Campbell Library Interlibrary Loan Request link to order the article through our Illiad online system.
If you have a complete citation (author, article title, journal, volume, issue, date), you can use our Citation Linker form to link directly to the article.
Use these subscription databases available through the library website to locate published research in Bioinformatics.
Each database has its own search engine which will generate a list of journal articles or conference proceedings on your specified topic. In most cases the full text of the article will be available through a PDF link.
Full text database of scientific journal articles with data on who has cited them.
Provides immediate data on who has cited research papers, covering high impact journals, including Open Access journals, conference proceedings, and current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
Full-text journal, magazine, and news articles in all academic disciplines.
Because bioinformatics is a new field, many of the books on the subject are e-books.
Books available for borrowing by students and faculty are available on the 4th floor of Campbell Library. A few key print titles are listed below.
For complete information on how to search for patents, visit my guide to Patent Searching.
Books which Rowan University does not own can be borrowed from one of the participating academic libraries in New Jersey and Pennsylvania using E-ZBorrow. Use your 9-digit Banner number for Patron Id.
Journal articles to which we do not have full text access may be requested through our online Interlibrary Loan request system, Illiad. Articles are usually sent to your email address within a few days.
RefWorks is an application licensed by Rowan University Libraries to help you manage your literature search process. Simply create an account to start using it.
This page directs you to resources to help you with writing research papers as a student at Rowan University.
Some books available through the library to help you with writing are listed below.
You can find additional books on writing for engineers by entering the terms "technical writing" or "technical communication" in the Library Search box on the Campbell Library homepage.
For more detailed help on citing sources for a research paper, go to the Citing your Sources research guide.
If you are familiar with how to cite sources but need a better way to manage them, try a reference manager app.
RefWorks is an application licensed by Rowan University Libraries to help you manage your literature search process. Unlike free reference managers, RefWorks offers the IEEE citation format used in engineering.
You'll need to create a personal account in order to have storage space for your citations.