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Indigenous Studies

A guide to various tools and resources for Indigenous Studies

Finding Books Through Library Search

You can search books in Library Search from the Campbell Library homepage, or through the search widget below.

Library Search

More on Finding Books

All Books at Rowan

To find books use Rowan's Library Search and limit the material type to Books. You can do this either from the Advanced Search page (use the Material Type drop-down menu on the right) or from a search results page (use the Resource Type limiter).  

Keyword Searches

To find books on a specific topic, like Native American studies, you can search by keywords or by subject. A keyword search will search anywhere in a bibliographic record. Library Search's default setting is a keyword search.

Subject Searches

A subject search will search for books that have been assigned a specific Library of Congress Subject Heading. There are two main ways to being a Subject search:

  • Go to the Advanced Search page and change the first drop-down menu from "Any field" to "Subject." Then enter a relevant subject into the search box.
  • Alternatively, from the search results page, expand the Subject menu and choose as many subjects as are relevant to your search. Note that many topics will have more than one relevant subject.

Subjects related to Native American studies include:

  • Native Americans
  • Native North Americans
  • Native peoples
  • Indigenous people
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Indigenous peoples—[Place]
  • Indians of North America—[Place]
  • [Name of group]  (e.g., Delaware Indians, Lenape Indians, Lenni Lenape Indians, Linapi Indians)

Note: Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) do not always reflect the preferred names of a group. (Full list of LCSH) However, when writing about racial or ethnic groups, please be sure to use their preferred names. (See the Research and Writing Sources page for more information.

Books Beyond Rowan

Can't find it in Library Search? You can get the book on loan from another library through E-ZBorrow (12-week loan) or Interlibrary Loan.

Use Worldcat to search for books at libraries across the world.