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Guide to research in philosophy.



 What's This?

This guide lists resources and tools that will help you to do academic work and research on the study of philosophy, and use the materials you find.

What If I Need Help?

Contact Ash Lierman at !

Best Places to Start

Background Information

See Get Started for more details and options.


See Find Articles for more details and options.


See Find Books for more details and options.

Get Started

Get Started: Library Resources

The best place to start is with background information that can help you learn more about your philosophical topic, and identify important names and terms to search for. The library has a number of online tools designed for this.

Get Started: Web Resources

Find Books

Find Books at Rowan Libraries and Other Universities

Also note that Library Search actually searches for books and journal articles simultaneously, unless you narrow your search to only books, via the menu options on the left side of the screen.

Philosophy Audiobooks

LC Classification for Philosophy



B1-5802 Philosophy (General)

B69-99 General works

B108-5802 By period  Including individual philosophers and schools of philosophy

B108-708 Ancient

B720-765 Medieval

B770-785 Renaissance

B790-5802 Modern

B808-849 Special topics and schools of philosophy

B850-5739 By region or country

B5800-5802 By religion

Subclass BC LOGIC

BC1-199 Logic

BC11-39 History

BC25-39 By period

BC60-99 General works

BC171-199 Special topics


BD10-701 Speculative philosophy

BD10-41 General philosophical works

BD95-131 Metaphysics

BD143-237 Epistemology. Theory of knowledge

BD240-260 Methodology

BD300-450 Ontology Including being, the soul, life, death

BD493-701 Cosmology Including teleology, space and time, structure of matter, plurality of worlds


BH1-301 Aesthetics

BH81-208 History

BH301 Special topics

Subclass BJ  ETHICS

BJ1-1725 Ethics

BJ71-1185 History and general works Including individual ethical philosophers

BJ1188-1295 Religious ethics

BJ1298-1335 Evolutionary and genetic ethics

BJ1365-1385 Positivist ethics

BJ1388 Socialist ethics

BJ1390-1390.5 Communist ethics

BJ1392 Totalitarian ethics

BJ1395 Feminist ethics

BJ1518-1697 Individual ethics. Character. Virtue Including practical and applied ethics, conduct of life, vices, success, ethics for children

BJ1725 Ethics of social groups, classes, etc. Professional ethics

Philosophy and Science

B67 Philosophy in relation to science   

Q174-175.3 Science. Philosophy of

QC5.56-QC6.4 Physics. Philosophy of 

QD6 Chemistry. Philosophy of  

QH14.3 Natural History. Philosophy of

QH331 Biology. Philosophy of.

Find Articles

Find Articles

The best way to access scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles from Rowan University Libraries is through our databases. Databases are self-contained online tools that provide large searchable collections of articles and other materials. They may contain articles from a large variety of subjects, or focus on only one subject.

Below are some key databases for Philosophy, both philosophy-specific and multi-subject, as well as a few other tips and tools.

Philosophy Databases

These databases are for articles and more only about philosophy. They may overlap but each includes articles the others may not, so searching more than one is a good strategy.

Best Multi-Subject Databases for Philosophy

These databases cover multiple subjects, including philosophy. They may be a better choice if your research crosses over with other disciplines like religion or history, or if you have trouble finding information in philosophy databases.

Need more? Want help? Use the box on the left to contact your librarian!

Tip: Getting articles

If you don't see a Full Text link below the article citation, look for a button labeled "Get it!" This application will check for access to the full text of the article within the library's subscriptions.

If a message is displayed indicating that we don't have access, choose the Campbell Library Interlibrary Loan Request link to order the article through our Illiad online system.

Google Scholar

You may prefer to use Google Scholar to find scholarly articles, and that's okay too! Just make sure that you can access the articles you find, by linking Google Scholar to Rowan University Libraries' resources.

  1. From the Google Scholar home page, click the button in the top left with three horizontal lines: Google Scholar menu button example
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the Settings area, click the option in the left navigation that says Library links.
  4. In the search box marked Show library access links for (choose up to five libraries):, search for Rowan University.
  5. An option should appear below the search box that reads "Rowan University - FullText@RowanUniversity" with a check-box next to it. Click the check-box so it is selected.
  6. Click Save in the lower right.

Now when you search in Google Scholar from this browser, your results should link directly to full text of each article, courtesy of Rowan University Libraries.

Google Scholar Search