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RTC 2022: Designing Better Assignments
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RTC 2022: Designing Better Assignments
Resources to support the 2022 Rowan Teaching Connection, "Designing Better Assignments"
The Basics: Definitions and Principles
Group Projects
Grading and Alternatives
The Basics: Definitions and Principles
Defining Assessment
in Assessment Essentials: Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in Higher Education (Banta, Palomba, and Kinzie, 2014)
Assessing Student Learning
from Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Accessibility and Equity in Assignments
UDL [Universal Design for Learning] and Assessment
from CAST
Expand One Assignment
in Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education (Tobin and Behling, 2018)
Equity in Assessment
from the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment; includes case studies
Equity and Assessment: Moving Toward Culturally Responsive Assessment
from the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
General Course & Assignment Design
(Re-)Creating Your Course: Backward Design and Assessment, by Melinda Messineo
in Learning from Each Other: Refining the Practice of Teaching in Higher Education (Kozimor-King and Chin, eds., 2018)
Learning Outcomes
in Idea-Based Learning: A Course Design Process to Promote Conceptual Understanding (Hansen, 2011)
Selecting a Learning Assessment Technique
in Learning Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (Barkley and Major, 2016)
Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses (2nd ed.)
L. Dee Fink
ISBN: 9781118419014
Publication Date: 2013
Standardized Assessment and Test Construction Without Anguish
Saad F. Shawer
ISBN: 9781617619915
Publication Date: 2011
Constructing Student Assessments for Grading
in Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors (Nilson, 2016)
Writing Multiple-Choice and Other Objective Tests
in Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide (Suskie, 2018)
Universal Design of Assessments
from the National Center on Educational Outcomes
How Do I Design a Good Exam?
from the Center for Teaching & Learning at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Best Practices for Designing and Grading Exams
from the Center for Research on Teaching & Learning at the University of Michigan
Constructing Tests
from the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Washington
Creating Rubrics and Using Rubrics
in Meaningful Grading: A Guide for Faculty in the Arts (Holmgren, Haugnes, and Springborg, 2018)
Designing Rubrics to Plan and Assess Assignments
in Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide (Suskie, 2018)
"Am I Grading Consistently and Effectively?" Developing and Using Rubrics, by Shirley A. Jackson
in Learning from Each Other: Refining the Practice of Teaching in Higher Education (ed. Kozimor-King and Chin, 2018)
Assessment, Part 2: Rubrics
in Idea-Based Learning: A Course Design Process to Promote Conceptual Understanding (Hansen, 2011)
Designing Grading Rubrics
from the Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning at Brown University
Using Rubrics
from the Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University
Examples of Rubrics
from Syracuse University
Group Projects
Peer Feedback Processes and Individual Accountability in Team-Based Learning, by Derek R. Lane
in Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Group Work That Works to Generate Critical Thinking and Engagement (ed. Michaelsen and Sweet, 2012
Grading and Evaluating Collaborative Learning
in Collaborative Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (Cross and Barkley, 2014)
Why Students Hate Group Projects (and How to Change That) (requires Rowan login)
from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Group Work: How to Use Groups Effectively, by Alison Burke (PDF)
in The Journal of Effective Teaching vol. 11 no. 2, 2011 (pp. 87-95)
What are Best Practices for Designing Group Projects?
from the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University
Group Work: Using Cooperative Learning Groups Effectively, by Cynthia J. Brame and Rachel Biel
from the Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University
Meaningful Writing Happens When...
in The Meaningful Writing Project: Learning, Teaching and Writing in Higher Education (Eodice, Geller, and Lerner, 2016)
Make Long Assignments Manageable for Everyone
in Embracing Writing: Ways to Teach Reluctant Writers in Any College Course (Hafer and Weimer, 2014)
For Classroom Instructors
in Assessing and Improving Student Writing in College: A Guide for Institutions, General Education, Departments, and Classrooms (Walvoord, 2014)
Formal Writing Assignments
in Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom (Bean and Weimer, 2011)
Designing Essay Assignments
from the Harvard Writing Project
Designing Writing Assignments
from the Georgetown University Writing Program
Giving Feedback on Student Writing
from the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan
Instructor's Guide for Giving Feedback
from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Grading and Alternatives
Grading in General
Assessment and Grading
in The Craft of College Teaching: A Practical Guide (DiYanni and Borst, 2020)
How Should Professors Evaluate Class Participation? (requires Rowan login)
from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Assessing the Hard-to-Assess
in Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide (Suskie, 2018)
Equity in Grading
Developing Equitable Grading Practices module
from ACUE
Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms
Joe Feldman
ISBN: 9781506391571
Publication Date: 2018
Alternative Grading Practices and Considerations
Alternative Grading: Practices to Support Both Equity and Learning
from the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Virginia
Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead)
Susan D. Blum (Editor)
ISBN: 9781949199833
Publication Date: 2020
“It made me feel like it was okay to be wrong”: Student experiences with ungrading, by Tim Gorichanaz
in Active Learning in Higher Education, 2022
Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time
Linda B. Nilson and Claudia J. Stanny
ISBN: 9781620362426
Publication Date: 2015
Forging Ahead
in The Hidden Inequities in Labor-Based Contract Grading (Carillo, 2021)
The Dangerous Myth of Grade Inflation, by Alfie Kohn
in Grade Inflation: Academic Standards in Higher Education (Hunt, 2008)