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Guide on this free citation manager

Adding items by ISBN

Screenshot of wand icon that allows you to add item by identifier If you have a book's ISBN, an online article's DOI, or a PMID number, just click the magic wand button: "Add item by identifier." Type the book or article's number, and Zotero will automatically download its information and save it to your library.

Zotero + EndNote

It's easy to use EndNote and Zotero together and take advantage of the best features of each, or to share Zotero libraries with colleagues using EndNote. Both programs can read and write a standard citation file format called RIS, which enables citations to be converted across programs. (However, PDFs and other attachments do not export between programs.)

Zotero to EndNote

To save your Zotero library for importing into EndNote, click the Zotero button that looks like a gear and choose "Export Library." Choose RIS as the file type and pick a filename.

In EndNote click "File" and then "Import." Click the "Choose File" button and select the file you just exported from Zotero. Set Import Option to "Reference Manager (RIS)" and click Import.

Screenshot if Import option (under gear icon)EndNote to Zotero

To export your EndNote library for use in Zotero click "File" and then "Export." Set the output style to "RefMan (RIS) Export" and save it as a text file.

In Zotero click the button that looks like a gear and choose "Import." Double-click the file you exported from EndNote. The new references will be added to a collection named "Imported" followed by the date and time.

Zotero + NVivo

Note: Rowan University does not have an NVivo subscription. The information below is included for those who have individual licenses for NVIVO.

To export a Zotero collection or library into NVivo:

  • Export the references in RIS format.
  • Open NVivo and import the saved RIS file.
  • Your PDF attachments will be imported into NVivo along with the references.