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Citation Justice in STEM

Resources to find help find marginalized authors in STEM.

Starting points to finding diverse authors

•    Cite Black Authors: A database of self-identified Black authors across multiple disciplines, which includes the ability to search for articles and book listings as well as for the experts themselves.
•    Gage: A public-facing database, maintained by 500 Women Scientists, of women and gender-diverse STEM scholars from around the world. Their mission is to "serve society by making science open, inclusive, and accessible."
•    Diverse Sources: A searchable database of experts in STEM with self-identified marginalized identities. This database is aimed at journalists seeking diverse perspectives from experts in the field, many of whom have published research that can be cited in scholarly journals.
•    500 Queer Scientists: A database of self-identified LGBTQ+ individuals working in STEM and STEM-supporting jobs. Cite Black Authors: A database of self-identified Black authors across multiple disciplines, which includes the ability to search for articles and book listings as well as for the experts themselves.
•    SheSource: Women's Media Center online database of women experts, searchable by keywords, area of expertise, language and location. Many STEM topic experts are indexed.
•    People of Color Also Know Stuff: A database of experts in various fields (including many STEM fields). Includes contact information for experts. 
•    Database of Diverse Databases: Field experts from various scientific fields. 

Additional resources can be found at the Open Notebook: Finding Diverse Sources for Science Stories