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Mechanical Engineering

A guide to library resources for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in mechanical engineering.

Writing Help

This page directs you to resources to help you with writing research papers as a student at Rowan University.

Books on Technical Writing

Some books available through the library to help you with writing are listed below.

You can find additional books on writing for engineers by entering the terms "technical writing" or "technical communication" in the Library Search box on the Campbell Library homepage.

Citing Your Sources

For more detailed help on citing sources for a research paper, go to the Citing your Sources research guide.


If you are familiar with how to cite sources but need a better way to manage them, try a reference manager app.

RefWorks is an application licensed by Rowan University Libraries to help you manage your literature search process. Unlike free reference managers, RefWorks offers the IEEE citation format used in engineering.

You'll need to create a personal account in order to have storage space for your citations.

Other Citation Management Software