Full texts of Shakespeare's plays, sonnets, and poems
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
This is one of the older sites on the Internet and has one or two broken links. It is included here because the presentation of the plays is clear and uncluttered.
The Oxford Shakespeare / Edited by W. J. Craig. Provide online by Barleby.com
The 1914 Oxford edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare ranks among the most authoritative published in the twentieth century. The 37 plays, 154 sonnets and miscellaneous verse constitute the literary cornerstone of Western civilization.
Internet Shakespeare Editions: Plays and Poems
The Internet Shakespeare Editions offers multiple ways of exploring Shakespeare’s plays and poems. We publish several versions of Shakespeare's works: searchable old-spelling transcriptions, modern editions prepared especially for the digital medium, and facsimile images of the original texts.
The complete works of Shakespeare. Everything you need to know about the bard, William Shakespeare, all in one spot.
Digital Texts from the Folger Shakespeare Library
All Shakespeare's plays, meticulously accurate and available to read online or to download for non commercial purposes. Also find direct link to the plays below.