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Open Access Library

A selected list of open access resources arranged alphabetically.

Assorted Open Access Links

List of Publishers of OA Books

This list is part of the Open Access Directory (OAD), which is maintained by the OA community at large, and hosted the Simmons College School of Library and Information Science

Pascal & Francis

Pascal and Francis is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human and social sciences, produced by the Inist-CNRS since 1972 (source: website). The record descriptions are in French, but English language searchers find English language results.

ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources)

ROAD provides a single access point to various types of online resources, published worldwide, that are freely available (source: website).

UNESCO Open Access Search

Open Access means free access to scientific information and unrestricted use of electronic data for everyone. With Open Access, expensive prices and copyrights will no longer be obstacles to the dissemination of knowledge. Everyone is free to add information, modify contents, translate texts into other languages, and disseminate an entire electronic publication. (source: website)