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International Studies

International Studies

Journal Titles for International Studies


  • Titles marked with a dagger † represents a journal with a mix of full texts and abstracts.

Titles marked with an asterisk * contain article abstracts only. To find the text search Google Scholar for the article title, or try the various database recommend in another tab on this site. 

African Journal of Legal Studies

American Ambassadors Review

Americas Quarterly

Athena Intelligence Journal

AUSTRAL: Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations

Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies

The Cato Journal

The Caucasian Review of International Affairs

Central European University Political Science Journal

Comparative Connections


Critical Review

Cultures & Conflits

European Affairs

European Journal of International Law *

European Journal of Social Quality *

Fletcher Security Review

French Politics, Culture & Society †

German Politics and Society *

The Goettingen Journal of International Law

Harvard Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy

Human Rights and Human Welfare - Review Essays

Insight Turkey 

International Journal of Korean Studies

International Politics *

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific *

International Security 

Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs

Journal of Global Analysis

Journal of International Affairs *

The Journal of International Law and International Relations †

The Journal of International Security Affairs *

Journal of Military and Strategic Studies

Journal of Palestine Studies *

Journal of Politics in Latin America

Journal of Security Sector Management

Macalester International

Middle East Review of International Affairs


The Nonproliferation Review

The Objective Standard †

Obrana a strategie (Defence & Strategy)

Pacific Affairs *


Political Science Quarterly †


Romanian Journal of Political Science

Strategic Insights

Theoria *

Turkish Policy Quarterly 

Turkish Review

Uluslararasi Iliskiler

US Foreign Policy Agenda

The Washington Quarterly

The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations

World Policy Journal