This library guide is designed as a starting point for students and others interested in the fields of Advertising and Public Relations. it is not intended to be comprehensive in nature but offers tips on searching for books, articles, and databases. Other library guides -- marketing or general business guides, for example -- may also helpful as you do your research, so browse the list for more ideas. All library guides can be found by following the Research Guides link on the library's website.
The Library of Congress Classification system is used by most academic libraries in the country, including Rowan's, to organize materials into 21 major categories of knowledge. Listed here are the class ranges and class range descriptors for subjects relevant to Public Relations and Advertising; relevant materials can be found in library's physical collection on the third floor of Campbell Library by these numbers
HD 59 - 59.6 - Public relations. Industrial publicity
HF 5410 - 5417.5 - Marketing. Distribution of products
HF 5801 - 6182 - Advertising
Remember that many newer library books are in electronic format now, in other words, they are online e-books. When using Library Search, you can sort your library catalog results by 'publication date newest' to display the most recent items.
Sometimes databases have even more information, articles, and reports than Library Search. Navigate to the library home page's Database Finder, and then use the drop-down menu to choose the "Public Relations & Advertising" databases list or the "Marketing" databases list.
You can browse the descriptions of the databases and then choose one which seems to fit your topic or idea. Database resources are all restricted to Rowan University students and faculty, who should use their Rowan NetID to log in to any database.
Some of the more popular databases for PR & Advertising on that list are: