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Music: Instructions for Printed Recital Programs

Instructions for music students to use in formatting their recital programs, including a guide to researching the program content.

Artist Information

Font Sizes

The main artist and instrument(s) of the performance are given in 18 point Bold at the top of the program, with supporting performers that appear on all or most of the selections in 14 point regular font. Typing over the information already in the template should automatically format this for you.

How to List Supporting Artists

  • If a supporting artist only appears on one or two pieces, do not place the performer’s name in the header; only type the name and instrument underneath the piece(s) that feature that artist, centered on the line.
  • If a supporting artist appears in two pieces, only write out the full name for the first piece; refer to the artist in the subsequent work by the last name only (i.e., Ms. Lamb or Mr. James)
  • Be sure to confirm with your assisting artists how they want their names to appear. Do not rely on their Facebooks accounts or nicknames you know may know them by.

Faculty Information

Confirm with your professor to see how they want their name to appear at the bottom of the program.

Follow the wording in the template for this and for the indication of your degree.



By Daniel Jason Karjadi ; cropped by Eugenio Hansen, OFS ( [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Daniel Jason Karjadi ; cropped by Eugenio Hansen, OFS ( [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons