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A brief guide to the print and electronic anthropology collections of Campbell Library, Rowan University - with links to some other anthropology sites.

Finding Books and Media: Why Books?

In-depth and introductory material may be found in online and print books on a variety of topics. Books take much longer to write (and read) and are designed for in-depth explanations of entire fields and larger issues. Use Library Search or the box below to find print and electronic books in Rowan's collection.

Library Search

Browsing for Books at Campbell Library

Most circulating antrhopology books are shelved on the 3rd floor of Campbell Library under the following classification headings:

CB History of Civilization
CC Archaeology
GN Anthropology
GR Folklore
GT Manners and Customs

For a more detailed breakdown of these categories click here:
Library of Congress Classification Outline

Search Tips

Subject headings are descriptions of the content of library materials using precise language. You can click on them in a relevant catalog record or search for them in advanced searches.

Finding Dissertations & Theses Online

Finding Books & Media in Other Libraries