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English & Literatures in English

Resources for the study of the language and literatures in English.

Book Reviews Using Library Search

Default filter settings in Library SearchLibrary Search is our combined library catalog and electronic journal discovery system.

By default Book Reviews are not included in the search, so in the sidebar Active Filters you will see Reviews crossed out.

Click on the X after Reviews to include them back into your search.

Book Review Digest

Access Book Review Digest with the link above, or from the Campbell Library's homepage, select the Database Finder, select the letter B from the A-Z, and scroll down to Book Review Digest.

Book Review Index

Access Book Review Index with the link above or from the Campbell Library's homepage, select the Database Finder, select the letter B from the A-Z, and scroll down to Book Review Index.


This full text database includes complete digitized back runs of core scholarly journals in a wide variety of disciplines, including English Literature.  

To limit a search to reviews, first select the advanced search option. Type the title of the book in the exact phrase box. Next, under Narrow Results>Item Type, check the "review" box. To expedite your search, you can also select the disciplines/journals in which you would like to search.