This Journalism Research Guide features library and Internet resources and research guidance. Use the main navigation menu, or view the starting points below.
Librarian Andrea Baer is also available for research and instruction help, whether via email, phone, or a research consultation.
Below are library resources that provide access to news and media sources, scholarly articles, and other resources that are often unavailable on the open web.
If the Libraries do not have access to the article, please submit an interlibrary loan request by clicking the "Go to ILLiad" link on the Interlibrary Loan page.
These background sources are good places to get an overview of a topic and different perspectives on it. Background research can help you focus your research and identify effective search terms and strategies.
Cross-curricular research tool providing pro/con perspectives on current social issues.
Contains core topics, each with an overview (objective background / description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument).
Each topic features a Guide to Critical Analysis which helps the reader evaluate the controversy and enhances students’ ability to read critically, develop their own perspective on the issues, and write or debate an effective argument on the topic.
Specific Newspaper Publications:
Specific Newspaper Articles:
For those items you don't find available through the Library, you may wish first to see if they’re freely available online (search the Google News Archive or do a general Google search).
If they are not freely available online, search in WorldCat for other libraries that have the item (do a title search and limit the format to newspapers). You can then request a specific item via interlibrary loan, or you may wish visit the library or archive that houses the materials.
Integrates news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, pertaining to global issues.
Viewpoint commentaries provide background on topics such as food security, genocide, human rights, extreme weather, and more.
Articles from a large collection of newspapers worldwide.
NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from U.S. and international sources, including The Washington Post, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, Trenton Times, USA Today, London Times, The Economist China Daily (Beijing).
Articles from newspapers and news content sites worldwide.
Provides access to full text of newspapers, news websites and blogs from leading publishers throughout the world. Backfiles for most newspapers are included, providing access to articles, columns, editorials, obituaries and additional features. Includes New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, The Guardian and many other national and regional titles.
Access to the Philadelphia Inquirer (1860 -2001).
Access to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and predecessors (1786-2003).
The library databases listed below provide access to find scholarly articles, as well as other types of information. If you don't see a Full Text link below the article citation, look for a button labeled "Get it!" This application will check for access to the full text of the article within the library's subscriptions.
If you see a message that we don't have access, choose the Campbell Library Interlibrary Loan Request link to order the article from another library. Often we can get an electronic copy of the article quickly.
Scholarly journal and news articles on business and economics topics.
Full-text articles covering business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world. The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times are also part of this database. Historical Wall Street Journal coverage is a separate database providing image coverage from 1889-1993.
Full-text journal, magazine, and news articles in all academic disciplines.
Coverage of several telecommunications journals, with many available in full text.