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Music Industry

A guide to various tools and resources for studying the music industry

Why articles?

Library databases are collections of articles, reports, or information that are not easily available for free via a Google search. These licensed resources are purchased by the library and university for use by our students, faculty, and staff -- therefore you are required to login with your Rowan credentials.

For a quick search of your topic in some of the databases at once, try your topic in Library Search.

You can also use the Journal Finder in order to find articles from a specific periodical (journal, newspaper, magazine), by typing its title or ISSN #. Below are some of the more prominent journals and magazines in the music industry world.

Music Industry Trade Journals

Find Music Industry Articles in Newspapers

Most Commonly Used Newspapers

Many of the major daily newspapers release articles about the music industry and musical artists. You can search through many of the newspapers that the library has access to here.

You can also search through the individual major newspapers below:

Library Databases for More Newspapers

In addition, some library databases serve as aggregators for newswire articles and newspaper articles from around the country or around the world. As an alternate way to search, choose a newspaper database first, then see if that database has the particular newspaper title and/or dates that you need. Below are some library databases that have business news articles, both current and historical:

As always, request other newspaper articles that Rowan does not own by using the forms on the Interlibrary Loan page.

You can find more helpful tips for searching newspapers here.