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Reading Lists

Reading Lists in Canvas

Using CiteIt! to Add Citations

CiteIt! is a bookmarklet that can be added to your browser bookmark bar to quickly add citations for resources the library does not own/subscribe to a Reading List. In other words, it can be used to easily add websites, youtube videos, or even books on Amazon to a Reading List, or other non-library content. 

How to use CiteIt!:

1. In Canvas click the Settings option in the Reading List, then Cite It!. 

2. Follow the instructions on the screen to add the CiteIt! bookmark to your browser:

With that, you can use CiteIt! from a webpage.

For example, you could add a book on Amazon to your Reading List. Just click the CiteIt! bookmark in your browser and it will automatically extract all of the item's metadata from the page, and you can add it to a Reading List by clicking Add & Close (after choosing what Reading List it should go to):