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Mendeley is reference manager that helps organize your research and expedites bibliography creation. Mendeley offers free accounts and taps into the Elsevier network of researchers to help find collaborators and related citations.

Drag and drop citations into Word or Outlook email

Remember to Sync your account

  • Remember to sync before you close Mendeley Desktop to update the online citations. Click on your sync button often! 

Global Edits

Currently, there is no global edit feature in Mendeley which allows you to edit multiple fields from different citations at once.  Each citation must be edited one at a time. 

Checking for Duplicates

In Mendeley Desktop: Tools>>Check for Duplicates

Do this often to make sure you don't have duplicate citations.  

Claim your Publications

From Mendeley desktop under Feed claim your publications.  Scopus will give you recommendations!

Adding article using DOI

Creating Watch Folders

A Watch Folder allows you to automatically add new documents to your Mendeley library. Simply drop PDFs into the folder and Mendeley will import them automatically for you.


To set up a Watch Folder:

  1. Under Tools>>Options>>'Watched Folders' tab
  2. Browse to the folder containing the documents you're interested in.
  3. Mendeley will add each document to your library, scanning each one for useful details such as title, author and journal.
  4. Any subsequent documents added to the folder will automatically be added to Mendeley.

Renaming Files automatically

Let Mendeley rename your files automatically when imported.  

  • Tools>>Options>>File Organizer tab>>Rename document file