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Mendeley is reference manager that helps organize your research and expedites bibliography creation. Mendeley offers free accounts and taps into the Elsevier network of researchers to help find collaborators and related citations.

Mendeley Data

Store your data in Mendeley Data.  

Mendeley Data is an open research data repository, where researchers can upload and share their research data. Datasets can be shared privately amongst individuals, as well as published to share with the world. Sharing research data is important for science as it enables data reuse and supports reproducibility of studies. Sharing data is also a way for you as a researcher, to gain exposure for your research outputs, as every dataset has a DOI and can be cited.

Search over 8 million datasets from domain specific and cross-domain repositories. 

Mendeley Data FAQ

Mendeley Funding

Mendeley Funding: Search for over 25,000 funding opportunities from @3,000 funders.  Browse by research area or funding type.