1. Register for a free account. You can use your personal email especially if you plan to use Mendeley after graduation.
2. Download Mendeley Reference Manager. Mendeley desktop syncs with web version. Drag and drop your citations and annotate your content.
3. Install Mendeley web importer for Chrome. Quickly import content from web pages and databases.
4. Install the citation plugin. Generate bibliographies quickly using the citation plugin in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice or BibTeX documents. (Download the citation plugin under Tools in Mendeley desktop version).
Note: A free account in Mendeley includes:
- 2GB free storage
- 5 groups of 25 members
- 100 MB shareable group folder
Benefits to using Mendeley
- Import reference libraries from EndNote and RefWorks. Mendeley Reference Manager Guide
- Over 8,000 citation output styles for your bibliographies. Citations adopted from Citation Style Language
- Drag and drop functionality. Drag PDFs into Mendeley desktop and Mendeley will extract the meta-data creating a record in your Mendeley account.
- Mendeley works on all major browsers and runs on Mac, Windows and Linux.
- Create a private group to work collaboratively. With a free Mendeley account you can great up to 5 groups with up to 25 researchers.
- Create folders that are private, public or by invitation only. Control access to your Mendeley account with 3 different folder options
- Access the Mendeley Academic Network and see over 8 million active users in the network
- Search over 25,000 funding opportunities
- Upload data in Mendeley data and DOI will be assigned to your data (add embargo dates)