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ORCID @ Rowan

This guide explains how and why to create and populate an ORCID record as researchers at Rowan University.

Welcome: Quick Overview

How to get get started with ORCID in 3 easy steps:

  1. Register or Connect your ORCiD through the ORCID @ Rowan website: 

  2. Use your new ID in systems such as manuscript submissions and grant applications

  3. Give the organizations you trust (such as Rowan University) permission to update your record


Watch our short video on connecting your ORCiD with Rowan University.

2023 Workshop Slides

Need Help?

For technical issues creating your ORCID record please email

For general questions please contact your local Rowan library using the contact us buttons on the following campus library webpages:

Campbell Library:
CMSRU Library:
Hope Brings Strength Health Sciences Library: 

ORCID and Rowan University

Rowan University has recently become a member of the ORCID-US Consortium, which enables Rowan-based researchers to connect their Rowan identity to their ORCiD account.


What are the advantages of linking my ORCiD to my Rowan identity?

1. Provides automatic verification to ORCID of your affiliation.

2. Allows you to use Rowan credentials to sign into ORCID.


What other benefits does having an ORCiD provide?

It provides a URL to your scholarly record that can be used elsewhere, such as on a personal website, CV, tenure or promotion application, or email signature.

It can automatically import your publications from various data sources as well as populate other profiles you may be required to maintain such as Pure or NIH Biosketches.

It allows non-STEM researchers to highlight their scholarly work even if it does not consist of articles found in library databases.

It is a non-profit open system that you can use throughout your career even if you leave Rowan.


Register your ORCiD now--or link your existing ORCID account to your Rowan identity--so that you can:

  • Post Rowan-validated employment information to your ORCID record;
  • Apply for grant funding and submit manuscripts for publication;
  • Track and report on your scholarly activities using ORCID's integrated search tools.
  • Ensure your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you

  • Reliably and easily connect you with your contributions and affiliations

  • Reduce data entry (enter data once, re-use it often)

  • Improve recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs

  • Ensure that your research record is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers systems) and persistent (enduring)

What is ORCID?

ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier. It is a unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or similar name to you. Anyone who participates in research, scholarship, or innovation can register an ORCiD for themselves free of charge, and you can use the same ID throughout your whole career -- even if your name changes or you move to a different organization, discipline, or country. 

Your ORCiD is fully owned and controlled by you - the ORCID Terms & Conditions mean that no one else may assign an ORCiD to you. No one else can see information you mark as ‘visible only to me’ (see Visibility Preferences below) and no one can update your ORCiD record without your permission. You can however assign a trusted individual (see Add a Trusted Individual below) to update your account in your behalf.

ORCID is not a social media platform or a profile system. It is a permanent place to record your scholarly publications, institutional affiliations, grant funding, and service activities.

Video: What is ORCID?

What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.

Protecting your privacy

How does ORCID handle privacy of my information?

When you create an ORCID account, you have full control of the privacy of your information. Review the Privacy Settings in your account to customize access to your information, including the options to make your information Public, Private, or available to Trusted Individuals.

You can customize the privacy setting using the icons to the right of each item in your ORCID publication record.

Funding Agencies Requiring ORCID

The federal notice "Requirement for ORCID iDs for Individuals Supported by Research Training, Fellowship, Research Education, and Career Development Awards Beginning in FY 2020" (Notice Number: NOT-OD-19-109) is shown below.

By way of this Notice, federal agencies NIH, AHRQ, and CDC announced that individuals supported by research training, fellowship, research education, and career development awards were required to have ORCiDs (formerly called ORCID iDs) starting in FY 2020.  

Publishers Requiring ORCID

Publishers and journals who have committed to requiring ORCiDs in the publishing process: