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Statistics and Data Sources by Subject

Human Rights

CIRI Human Rights Data Project, Data & Documentation

The CIRI Human Rights Dataset contains standards-based quantitative information on government respect for 15 internationally recognized human rights for 202 countries. It is designed for use by scholars and students as well as policy makers and analysts who research the human rights effects of a wide array of institutional changes and public policies. (source:website)

Freedom House: 25 Years of Championing Democracy

Freedom House supports frontline activists in their efforts to defend fundamental rights, including to document abuses, advocate for justice, end impunity, and fortify the self-protection of human rights defenders. We also provide emergency assistance to human rights defenders who come under threat and work with activists to broaden public support for upholding human rights.

Freedom House: Freedom of the World Report, 2016 (data since 1998)

Freedom House:  Freedom of the Press Report, 2015 (data since 2002)

Freedom House: Freedom on the Net, 2015 (Data since 2011)

Freedom House: Special Reports