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Food Systems Research

Library resources for research related to food systems and agriculture.

Welcome: Food Systems Research

Food systems and the future of food are an emerging area of research in Geography and Environmental Science. There is new interest in topics like organic farming, local food, foodsheds, healthy soil and agricultural practices, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable food systems. 

Be sure to explore the page tabs on the left to find out about all the resources available to you.

Quick Start: Finding Library Sources

Sustainable food systems cross many subject areas in the Library of Congress book classification system: Geography and Anthropology (G, GE, GF, GT), Social Sciences (H, HC, HD), Science (Q, QC, QH), and Agriculture (S, SB, SD, SF, SH). 

Use the library search engine (Library Search) to find books and articles on your topic.

Literature Searches

We recommend that you use the specialized subscription databases on the library website to search for scientific "literature" (papers) because you will see only content that the library subscribes to. 

However if you prefer to use Google Scholar, you can create a Google Scholar profile with your Rowan University credentials, which will give you access to the library's subscription content.

Then when you search in Google Scholar, you will see links to the right of some results labeled Full Text @Rowan University. Selecting one of these links will take you to the subscribed content.

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