Open Access Publishing Support: Rowan University Libraries offers an Open Access Publishing Fund for faculty, to aid in covering article processing charges (APCs) needed to publish a scholarly journal article; and Open Access and Read and Publish Agreements with most of the top academic publishers. These agreements allow Rowan-affiliated corresponding authors, including students, faculty, and staff, to publish their research with an Open Access license without the need to pay an article processing charge.
Data Curation Consultation: Consult with a librarian on best practices for preserving and sharing your research data and creating Data Management Plans. Introductory training on research data management and use of the DMPTool is available through the Library Workshops program. Email for assistance.
ORCID account Creation: Librarians are available to show you how to create and populate an ORCID account to manage your research and connect with other researchers. ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Deposit works in Rowan Digital Works: Librarians can assist Rowan community researchers to deposit appropriate versions of their scholarly and creative works in Rowan Digital Works. Email to learn more.
Evidence Synthesis Services: Support is available to researchers on all campuses who are interested in conducting evidence synthesis such as systematic, rapid, or scoping reviews. Contact your local librarian to connect with a library evidence-synthesis expert who may be able to support your research.
Visit this guide for more information:
Journal Selection Support: Using specific tools, librarians can identify relevant journal titles, based on your abstract, for manuscript submission. Librarians will prepare a customized report including relevant metrics (i.e. acceptance rate, time for peer review, time for publication etc.) for each journal.
Research Impact Reports: To help strengthen your Tenure and Recontracting, promotion, or external funding application, librarians can help identify the impact factor of a journal that a faculty member published in or determine a faculty member's h-index or similar ranking.
Copyright and Fair Use Guidance: Librarians offer consulting services dealing with copyright and fair use issues.
Citation Manager Training: Rowan University Libraries offers a variety of citation managers (EndNote, RefWorks, etc.). Librarians offer training in using this software to organize your research, cite references within text, and create bibliographies. Attend one of our citation management Library Workshops or contact us for one-on-one assistance.