Request help deciding where to publish your manuscript. Rowan University Librarians can help suggest appropriate publications to which you can submit your research for potential publication. Librarians can prepare a customized report including relevant metrics (i.e. acceptance rate, time for peer review, time for publication etc.) for each journal.
Get Citation Manager Training. RUL offers a variety of citation managers and librarians can help train you in using them to organize your research and expedite bibliographic creation. Contact your campus library below for further assistance, or attend a relevant Library Workshop:
Campbell library (Glassboro campus)
Data consultation. Do you need guidance on managing your research data? Consult with a Rowan University Librarian on best practices for storing and preserving your research data. Email for assistance.
Set up an ORCID account.
Deposit works in Rowan Digital Works. RUL offers assistance to the Rowan community to deposit appropriate versions of their scholarly and creative works in Rowan Digital Works. Email to learn more.
Open Access Publishing Fund. The Campbell Library offers an Open Access Publishing Fund for faculty (tenured and tenure-track) to aid in covering article processing charges (APCs) needed to publish a scholarly journal article as open access.
Copyright and Fair Use consultations. RUL offers consulting services dealing with copyright and fair use issues. Contact your subject librarian or medical library for help.
Research Assessment. Rowan University Librarians can help identify the impact factor of a journal that a faculty member published in (for T&R packets) or determine a faculty member's h-index or similar ranking. Request help from your campus library:
Campbell Library:
CMSRU Library:
Rowan-Virtua SOM Health Sciences Library:
All resources (except for Endnote and Think.Check Submit. are available in the Database Finder/A-Z List) mentioned below are available from the Campbell Library homepage to ALL Rowan users:
Cabells. Is a directory of academic journals that helps researchers find the best place to publish. In addition, Predatory Reports are searchable to find predatory journals.
Scopus. RUL’s largest bibliographic index database that is multidisciplinary. Includes useful metrics including Cited by analysis, embedded bibliographies and altmetrics.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR). JCR is the gold standard for locating impact factors. JCR compiles article level cited references to examine the impact at both the journal title and subject category levels.
Web of Science. As to over 12,000 scientific peer reviewed journal titles with “cited by” analysis.
EndNote. Citation management software that is freely available to Rowan users.
Style Guides. APA Academic Writer is available from Database Finder.
Think. Check. Submit. A cross-industry initiative led by representatives from DOAJ, INASP, ISSN, LIBER, OASPA, STM, and UKSG to provide a simple process to consider where to publish your research.
SOM Campus specific Service:
Manuscript Editing Service. Email for further information/assistance.