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Africana Studies

Research materials for Africana Studies (including African American Studies)

Africana Studies: Welcome

This guide includes subject-focused and interdisciplinary resources for Africana Studies. Depending on your research area, you may also find additional Research Guides helpful (e.g., HistoryPolitical Science). Librarian Andrea Baer is also available for research and instruction help, whether via email, phone, or web conference.

Databases & Articles

 Below are library resources that provide access to scholarly articles and other resources that are often unavailable on the open web. Please see the Primary Sources page for primary source databases.

  • Databases: See the history-focused databases listed in this page, or search the Database Finder.
  • Journals:
    • Journal Finder: Find journals by title, ISSN, or keyword.
    • BrowZine: Search for or browse select scholarly online journals to which the Libraries subscribe.
  • Citation Linker: Use to find and access a specific  journal article, journal or book.

If the Libraries do not have access to the article, please submit an interlibrary loan request by clicking the "Go to ILLiad" link on the Interlibrary Loan page.

Finding Articles in Library Databases

If you don't see a Full Text link below the article citation, look for a button labeled "Get it!" This application will check for access to the full text of the article within the library's subscriptions.

If you see a message that we don't have access, choose the Campbell Library Interlibrary Loan Request link to order the article from another library. Often we can get an electronic copy of the article quickly.

Large Interdisciplinary Databases

Humanities & Social Sciences Databases

News Databases

Google Scholar

You may prefer to use Google Scholar to find scholarly articles, and that's okay too! Just make sure that you can access the articles you find, by linking Google Scholar to Rowan University Libraries' resources.

  1. From the Google Scholar home page, click the button in the top left with three horizontal lines: Google Scholar menu button example
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the Settings area, click the option in the left navigation that says Library links.
  4. In the search box marked Show library access links for (choose up to five libraries):, search for Rowan University.
  5. An option should appear below the search box that reads "Rowan University - FullText@RowanUniversity" with a check-box next to it. Click the check-box so it is selected.
  6. Click Save in the lower right.

Now when you search in Google Scholar from this browser, your results should link directly to full text of each article, courtesy of Rowan University Libraries.

Google Scholar Search

Online Reference