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Library Search: Help

A guide to using the search tool Library Rowan University Libraries.

Advanced Search

A number of options are available in the Advanced Search view:

  1. Search for: Choose specific types of materials or locations to search.
    • Rowan University Libraries: Search all physical materials and most online materials owned by Rowan University Libraries. (NOTE: Newspaper articles are NOT included in the results of this search. To search for newspaper articles, use the Newspapers view.)
    • Course Reserves: Find materials that have been placed on reserve in the Libraries by Rowan University faculty.
    • UFindNJ: Search across the collections of multiple partnered libraries at New Jersey colleges and universities.
  2. Search fields: Allow you to search for words in the title, author or subject of materials, as well as other options. You can also choose whether fields are combined using AND (finds results with both), OR (finds results with either), or NOT (finds results with one but not the other).
  3. Add a new line: Click to add an additional search field.
  4. Clear: Click to clear your search so far.
  5. Material type: Limits results to only certain types of materials, including books, articles, journals, musical scores, images, video recordings, sound recordings, and theses/dissertations.
  6. Language: Finds only results in a certain language.
  7. Start date and End date: Finds only results that were published within a certain date range.
  8. Simple search: Returns to the simple Library Search view.