The Library Search screen displays after you enter a search from the library home page. This screen has a number of functions available. From left to right, top to bottom (click to view larger image):
- New Search: This is the "Home" button for Library Search. Click this option to return to the main search screen, if you have navigated to a different view.
- Journal Finder: Search for a journal to see if Rowan University Libraries have access to it, online or on the shelf.
- Browse: Search for an author, title or subject and also see materials that are close to it alphabetically.
- Citation Search: Look up a specific article, book, or journal using its citation information.
- Newspaper Articles: Search specifically for newspaper articles
- Search History (clock icon): View everything you have searched for in this session (or log in to save searches long-term).
- Favorites (pushpin icon): View materials or searches you have saved in this session (or log in to save items long-term).
- Sign In: Sign in to access your library account features.
- Menu: When you are logged in, use these options to control your library account.
- Search Options (drop-down menu): Choose specific locations to search.
- Advanced Search: Includes advanced options like searching by title or author, searching only for certain types of materials, searching only for materials in certain languages or from certain dates, and more.
- Chat with a Librarian: Pull out this tab to open a chat with a librarian (available 9am to 9pm on most weekdays).