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Library Search: Help

A guide to using the search tool Library Rowan University Libraries.

Account Options

You can access a number of additional options in Library Search by signing into your Rowan University account.

  • Search History: Use the "rewinding clock" icon in the top bar to view your past searches in Library Search.
  • Favorites: Use the "pushpin" icon in the top bar to view items that you have saved to your favorites. A pushpin icon will also appear in the upper right of each of your search results, which you can use to add materials to this view.
  • Library Card: Select this option from the Menu in the top bar to view messages and perform actions regarding your library account, including:
    • Viewing any checked out items
    • Viewing any fines or fees that you owe
    • Viewing any materials that you have requested
    • Viewing any messages or status information about your account