Jean François Champollion (1770-1832)
Key moments in the history of Egyptology have dramatically raised the profile of this field. Key advances and major discoveries over the years have captured the imagination of the wider public. You will find a link below to an extensive Wikipedia list of Egyptologists, including their bios. Here I have listed the names of some of the founders of the field including the key contributions they have made.
Monuments de l'égypte et de la Nubie, Vol 1
Precis du systeme hieroglyphique (Paris, 1824, 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1828)
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica posted on Wikipedia
I Monumenti Del Eggiti E Della Nudia, Parte Prima, Tomo I. 1832
I Monumenti Del Eggiti E Della Nudia, Parte Prima, Tomo II. 1839
I Monumenti Del Eggito E Della Nubia, Parte Prima, Tomo III 1838
I Monumenti Dell Eggito E Dlla Nubia, Parte Prima, Tomo IV 1841
I Monumenti Dell Eggito E Dlla Nubia, Parte Seconda 1834
I Monumenti Dell Eggito E Dlla Nubia, Parte Terza 1844
Excavation at Dier El Bahari (11911-1931)
Digital text at Internet Archive