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Digital Scholarship Center: Reduce File Size of PDF File in Acrobat Pro

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

Reduce File Size of PDF File in Acrobat Pro

PDF files can be rather large and can cause the transport and saving of these files to be a problematic. In this tutorial we will show you how to reduce the file size using Adobe's Acrobat.

  1. With Acrobat Pro open, go to File > Open. This graphic shows how to Open from File Menu.

  2. After your file is open, Go to File > Save as Other > Reduced Size PDF.... This graphic shows how to save the file in a reduced size PDF.

  3. Select the Acrobat version that is compatible with the features in your PDF file. To potentially reduce the file size greatly, choose later versions of Acrobat. We generally recommend two versions below the most current. If you happen to have embedded video in your PDF file, use the most recent version of Acrobat. This graphic shows how to Choose the Acrobat Version

  4. Re-name your file and Click Save. This graphic shows how to Choose the Acrobat Version
    In the image below, you can see that we saved 18.1MB using this process. Depending on the initial size of your file, the amount reduced will vary. This graphic shows how to Choose the Acrobat Version