Due to Phase 2 of our renovation, Campbell Library’s Floors 1, 2, & 3 are now closed. The 5th Floor Faculty Offices are open, and the 4th Floor Dreamscape Learn will launch soon. Please visit the Campbell Library Renovation site for details.
The Rowan University Libraries Digital Scholarship Center (DSC) aims to empower and support learning, collaboration, creative and research activities, and the development of engaging scholarly products and unique educational experiences. We follow a student-as-partner approach, offering experiential learning opportunities for students to collaborate with the Library, faculty, and community members in the development and curation of digital projects, educational resources, and digital collections. These collaborations include unique learning opportunities such as course projects, research projects, Library and Campus initiatives, and internships. If you want to explore collaborating with us, please contact Mike Benson at dsc at rowan dot edu.
Recent collaborations include:
The Rowan University Arboretum:
We collaborated with students and faculty to develop a globally accredited campus arboretum. The content of this project was researched and developed within Dr. Sara Wright's Plant Diversity courses. We believe this is the first arboretum created by students for students. Our collaborators include Dr. Sara Wright, Department of Biological Sciences; Kevin Muldoon, Director of Facilities and Campus Grounds; Linda Walczak, Director of Landscape Architectural Services; Dr. Stephen Bentivenga, Department Head Biological Sciences; Lori Marshall, Vice President of University Relations, and Dr. Daniel Duran, Dr. Jen Kitson, Dr. Shelly Thomas, and several university faculty. We anticipate integrating additional courses in 2025.
Augmented Museum:
We are creating 360-degree interactive photographs of artifacts and specimens to increase access to research and learning. We are currently collaborating with Dr. Jen Janofsky, Professor of History and Director of Red Bank Battlefield. In spring 2024, students from Dr. Janofsky's Internship in History assisted with the project, including photographing human remains at the New Jersey State Forensic Lab. We are currently photographing and cataloging artifacts from the Red Bank Battlefield. Dr. Katie Lenard, a Professor of History, and Michael Benson, DSC, co-wrote this grant-funded project.
Rowan University Public Art Project:
This project leverages Rowan's Public Art as a resource for research, learning, and University outreach. We collaborated with faculty and courses in the Department of Art and the Department of Geography. We also collaborated with University Publications, University Planning, and the University Art Gallery. Numerous courses in art and geography utilize the project.
New Jersey Women's History Project:
We collaborated with the Alice Paul Institute and the Department of History to transition this project to Rowan University. We have collaborated with faculty and students in the Department of History to develop new content, explore research topics, and provide student internships and course projects.
The Glassboro Memory Mapping Project:
This project documents the history of Glassboro and Southern New Jersey's glassmaking tradition. We collaborated with faculty and courses in the Departments of Geography and Art (Dr. Jen Kitson) and partnered with the broader community, such as the Glassboro Historical Society and Heritage Glass Museum, to create this interactive digital archive.
The Glassboro Summit Collection:
We collaborated with University Publications, University Relations, the College of Humanities and Social Science, and the University Archive to develop this digital archive of photos, documents, and oral histories. This project has been used in New Jersey Glass art and culture courses and numerous history and American Studies courses.
Watershed Stories:
We collaborated with the Geography Department (Dr. Jen Kitson and Dr. Megan Bucknum Ferrigno) to develop this grant-funded project, which created and curated approximately 200 oral histories focused on personal experiences with New Jersey's watersheds.
Definition of Digital Scholarship
For more information about the Digital Scholarship Center, please contact us at dsc at rowan dot edu.
Linked In Learning is an online training library provided by Rowan University Libraries at no cost to Rowan employees and students. The system includes 24/7 online access to the entire library of over 21,000 training videos for learning subjects such as Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Coding, Canvas, and even many business topics.
The courses and tutorials can be viewed anywhere you have internet access, and there are videos for all skill levels.
> > Access to Linked In Learning
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