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Digital Scholarship Center: Home

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

During the renovation of Campbell Library, the physical space of the Digital Scholarship Center is temporarily closed.  We expect to reopen in fall 2025. In the meantime, if you need help with a project, please get in touch with us at dsc at rowan dot edu.

Digital Scholarship CenterThe Rowan University Libraries Digital Scholarship Center (DSC) aims to empower and support learning, collaboration, creative and research activities, and the development of engaging scholarly products and unique educational experiences. We follow a student as partner approach offering opportunities for students to collaborate with faculty and community members in the development and curation of digital projects, educational resources, and digital collections. These collaborations include unique learning opportunities such as course projects, research projects, Library initiatives, and internships. If you would like to explore collaborating with us, please contact us at dsc at rowan dot edu.


Recent collaborations include:

The Rowan University Arboretum:
Dr. Sara Wright, Department of Biological Sciences, Kevin Muldoon, Director of Facilities and Campus Grounds, Linda Walczak, Director of Landscape Architectural Services, Dr. Stephen Bentivenga, Department Head Biological Sciences, Lori Marshall, Vice-President of University Relations

The Miss America Collection: 
Department of American Studies (Dr. Katie Turner); College of Humanities and Social Science & Miss America Organization

Rowan University Public Art Project:
University Publications, University Planning, University Art Gallery, Department of Art, Department of Geography

New Jersey Women's History Project:
Department of History

The Glassboro Memory Mapping Project:
Departments of Geography and Art (Dr. Jen Kitson), Glassboro Historical Society, and Heritage Glass Museum 

The Glassboro Summit Collection:
University Publications, University Relations, College of Humanities and Social Science

Watershed Stories:
Geography Department (Dr. Jen Kitson and Dr. Megan Bucknum Ferrigno)




Definition of Digital Scholarship

The Mission of the DSC



During the renovation of Campbell Library, the physical space of the Digital Scholarship Center is temporarily closed.  We expect to reopen in fall 2025. In the meantime, if you need help with a project, please get in touch with us at dsc at rowan dot edu.

We are located in Campbell Library, 3rd floor, room 343. 

For more information about the Digital Scholarship Center, please contact us at dsc at rowan dot edu.

Free Training Library for the Rowan Community

Access to

The linkedIn Learning logo.

Linked in Learning is an online training library provided by Rowan University Libraries at no cost to Rowan employees and students. The system includes 24/7 online access to the entire library of over 16,000 training videos for learning subjects such as Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Coding, Canvas, and even many business topics. 

The courses and tutorials can be viewed anywhere you have internet access and there are videos for all skill levels.

> > Access to Linked In Learning 
(Use Rowan login to enter) 

Recent Digital Scholarship Projects

A banner image of the New Jersey Women's History website.



A photo of the Miss America collection.



A photo of the Rowan Public Art project


A photo of the Glassboro Summit project.



A banner image of the Glassboro Memory Mapping Project



A photo of the Summit at Hollybush Project



See our Project Page