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Digital Scholarship Center: Campbell Library Art Gallery

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

Library Renovations

Due to Phase 2 of our renovation, Campbell Library’s Floors 1, 2, & 3 are now closed. The 5th Floor Faculty Offices are open, and the 4th Floor Dreamscape Learn will launch soon. Please visit the Campbell Library Renovation site for details.

The Campbell Library Art Gallery

Past Exhibits:


Lenape Past and Present

Opening reception: December 7, 2023

An exhibit showcasing objects of Indigenous People of New Jersey researched and curated by Rowan University Anthropology students.







Rowan University Library Staff Art ExhibitExploring Creativity: Library Staff Art Exhibit

August 2, 2023 to October 2, 2023
Location: Campbell Library, 2nd Floor
Reception: Wednesday, September 20, 2023, from 4 pm to 6 pm

Libraries are creative spaces with creative people. This art exhibit features artworks created by staff at the Rowan University Libraries. The exhibit includes paintings, photography, printmaking, illustration, and ceramics. Come and explore our team's creative artworks and learn about their passion for creativity, lifelong learning, and supporting our academic community.





A photo of Maureen St. John's watercolor painting2023 Spring Exhibit February to May 26, 2023

“Full Circle,” an art exhibit in Campbell Library
Artist: Maureen St. John

The Rowan University Libraries inaugural exhibition for our new gallery space on the second floor of Campbell Library features the semi-abstract watercolor paintings of Maureen St. John, a retired art teacher and an alumni of Glassboro State College. Maureen invested a lifetime exploring what it means to live a creative life. She is an award-winning artist and has widely exhibited her paintings and photographs, inspired by her life and extensive travels. Her professional experiences include fine art, design, teaching, and grief counseling. Stop by and explore Maureen’s beautiful collection while reflecting on the library's role in promoting creativity.



About the Campbell Library Art Gallery

The Campbell Library Art Gallery is located on the second floor of Campbell Library and features the creative works of faculty and staff hobbyists and a variety of artifacts from the campus collection. We also have one alumni exhibit in the fall semester. Our goal is to celebrate the creativity of our campus community. If you are a faculty or staff hobbyist and are interested in sharing your creative work with the Rowan community, please contact us at to explore exhibiting your creative work. 


The Campbell Library Art Gallery Team:

  • Mike Benson, Coordinator of the Digital Scholarship Center

  • Christine Davidian, Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian

  • Laura Daniels, Program Assistant, Performing Arts Center

  • Jon Jiras, Technology Services Librarian

  • Sara Morgan, Secretary to the Associate Provost of Rowan University Libraries

  • Marryam Naqvi, Marketing & Communications Coordinator


Previous team member:

  • Andrea Baer, Public Services Librarian