Due to Phase 2 of our renovation, Campbell Library’s Floors 1, 2, & 3 are now closed. The 5th Floor Faculty Offices are open, and the 4th Floor Dreamscape Learn will launch soon. Please visit the Campbell Library Renovation site for details.
One-on-one Consultations with the DSC
Access to Linked In Learning
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Equipment Loaned by Campbell Library
Software Tutorials and Directions
Linked In Learning is an online training library provided by Rowan University Libraries at no cost to Rowan employees and students. The system includes 24/7 online access to the entire library of over 21,000 training videos for learning subjects such as Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Coding, Canvas, and even many business topics.
The courses and tutorials can be viewed anywhere you have internet access, and there are videos for all skill levels.
> > Access to Linked In Learning
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