The Digital Scholarship Center offers one-on-one consultations on developing a digital scholarship project, a creative project, a course project, or a research project. We may also be able to provide advice on the topics listed below. Please note that we don't offer assistance for researching, writing, or formatting a thesis or dissertation; however, we can help you find assistance with your professor, advisor, or schedule a consultation with a research librarian using this link. Schedule a consultation.
During these appointments, we will help you explore specific software, provide basic guidance, or help you locate resources for additional learning. Appointments are limited to 30 minutes and are scheduled virtually using Zoom. Please use the following link to request an appointment for a specific day and time.
Request an appointment:
A research consultation is an opportunity to schedule an appointment with a subject librarian to discuss your research.
Linked In Learning is an online training library provided by Rowan University Libraries at no cost to Rowan employees and students. The system includes 24/7 online access to the entire library of over 16,000 training videos for learning subjects such as Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Coding, Canvas, and even many business topics.
The courses and tutorials can be viewed anywhere you have internet access, and there are videos for all skill levels.
> > Access to Linked In Learning
(Use Rowan login to enter)