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Digital Scholarship Center: Google Drive - Accessing and Uploading Files

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

Library Renovations

Due to Phase 2 of our renovation, Campbell Library’s Floors 1, 2, & 3 are now closed. The 5th Floor Faculty Offices are open, and the 4th Floor Dreamscape Learn will launch soon. Please visit the Campbell Library Renovation site for details.

About Rowan University's Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows the storage of files and allows access to these files on a variety of platforms and devices, such as desktops, laptops, cellphones, and tablets. As a student, staff, or faculty member of Rowan University, you are provided a Google Drive account. 


Aside from being a cloud storage service, Google Drive offers a variety of programs that allow the creation of various files. These programs include Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sites, and more.


In this tutorial, we will go through the process of accessing your Google Drive Account with your Rowan ID. We will also cover uploading and downloading files.

Accessing your Rowan University Google Drive Account

Uploading to Google Drive

  1. Go to Click "Go to Google Drive". Sign in with your Rowan ID and Password. This graphic shows how to login.

  2. When you sign in, you will be taken to your Google Drive account. Here is where your files will appear. This graphic shows the Google Drive Home.

  3. You can now start uploading/creating files by clicking on the "New" button on the left side. From here, you can upload file(s) or folder(s), as well as, create files from the various Google programs mentioned above. This graphic shows how to Upload Files.

    You can also upload files by dragging and dropping files from your computer into the Google Drive Interface (as shown below). This graphic shows how to Drag and Drop File.


  4. We will upload a few files by clicking on File Upload. Choose your file(s) (Hit Cmd or Ctrl to select multiple files) and click Open. You will see the progress of the files on the bottom right side of your browser window. This graphic shows how to Upload Files : Progress.

    Your files are now uploaded to Google Drive and you they will appear in your Google Drive window.