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Digital Scholarship Center: Canvas: Introduction to the Canvas Interface

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

Library Renovations

Due to Phase 2 of our renovation, Campbell Library’s Floors 1, 2, & 3 are now closed. The 5th Floor Faculty Offices are open, and the 4th Floor Dreamscape Learn will launch soon. Please visit the Campbell Library Renovation site for details.

Canvas: Introduction to the Canvas Interface

This tutorial will introduce you to using Rowan University's Canvas course management system. For video tutorials on Canvas and other applications please visit Online Learning.


  1. Open up your Canvas Dashboard.

    Photo of Canvas Dashboard

  2. On the left-hand side, you should see a menu that shows eight different options. 

(in order from top to bottom)

Photo of Canvas left sidebar menu


  1. Account: This shows your account settings. It will show your name and give you the option to log out. You can view your notifications, files, settings, ePortfolios, and many more from here.

    Photo of Canvas' Account tab open

  2. Dashboard: Your dashboard shows you all the classes you are enrolled in. Click any class, and it will take you to that course's homepage, and from there, you can submit assignments and many more.

    Photo of Canvas Dashboard

  3. Courses: Clicking this will also show all classes you enrolled in (similar to the dashboard), just in a list format. Click any class, and it will take you to that course's homepage, and from there, you can submit assignments and many more.

    Photo of Canvas left sidebar with the Courses tab open

  4. Groups: Clicking this will show you any student groups you are in. In certain classes, professors will place you into groups, and this tab will show who is in your group and how to contact them.

  5. Calendar: Clicking this will open a calendar that will list all assignments due each day and inform you of any class meetings you may have coming up.

    Photo of Canvas' Calendar tab open

  6. Inbox: Clicking this will show you all the messages you have received from others. In this tab, you can message professors and students.

    Photo of Canvas' Inbox tab open

  7. History: This tab will give you a brief history of your recently viewed pages and recently submitted assignments/exams.

    Photo of Canvas' History tab open

  8. Help: This final tab provides a resource to use if you need extra help. 

    Photo of Canvas' Help tab open