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Digital Scholarship Center: Google Calendar- How to Create an event in google calendar

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Due to Phase 2 of our renovation, Campbell Library’s Floors 1, 2, & 3 are now closed. The 5th Floor Faculty Offices are open, and the 4th Floor Dreamscape Learn will launch soon. Please visit the Campbell Library Renovation site for details.

Google Calendar- How to Create an event in Google Calendar

Google Calendar is an organizational tool that allows users to schedule and share events. This tutorial will focus on how to create an event using Google Calendar. 



1: Logging into Google Calendar. Make sure that you are logged into a Google email and log onto Google Calendar using this link,



2: Navigating the homepage. When you enter Google Calendar, you will automatically be on the current week. The red cursor indicates the present time, and the blue circle around the date indicates the current date. 



3: Access the “months” tab. If you click on the bars on the left-hand corner of the screen, a left-hand panel will automatically appear. 



4: An overview of the “months” tab. The panel showcases a calendar automatically placed on the current month. Next to the words that indicate the current month, there are two arrows to look at the previous or the current month. 



5: Clicking on the “Create button” Click on the “create” button to create an event on your calendar. Once you do, a pop-up will appear on the calendar. 



6: Naming a basic event. Click on the “Add Title” textbox and type in your event. For our purposes, we’ll type in the word “class.” 



7: Clicking a new date option. Click on today’s dent within the drop-down button. Once you do, a drop-down of a calendar will appear. 



8: Select a new date. Once you click a new date, the calendar will automatically jump to this date. So, for our purposes, we’ll choose March 13th. 



9: Select a new time for your event. Click on the time options next to the date. The time on the left is the starting time of your event and the time on the right is the ending time of your event. Next, click on the time that you would prefer to change. Once you do, there will be a drop-down menu allowing you to change the time of your event. 



10: Typing the time of your event. Click or type in the desired time of your event. For our purposes, we’ll type in at 3:00 pm. The Google Calendar will automatically change to your selected time. Repeat steps nine and ten as needed. 



11: Saving your event. Click on the Save button to save your event. Once you do so, it will stay on your Google Calendar permanently.