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Digital Scholarship Center: One-on-One Consultations

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

The Digital Scholarship Center offers one-on-one consultations on developing a digital scholarship project, a creative project, a course project, or a research project. We may also be able to provide advice on a variety of topics and applications. Please note that we do not offer assistance for researching, writing, or formatting a thesis or dissertation. Please work with your professor or advisor, or schedule a consultation with a research librarian. 

We will help you explore specific software during these appointments, provide basic guidance, or help you locate resources for additional learning. Appointments are limited to 45 minutes and must be booked at least one day in advance. Please note we have limited staff and time slots, so we may not always be able to accommodate your schedule. If this happens, please email us, and we will do our best to schedule a time with you. We do not offer walk-in appointments. 

Book an appointment with Digital Scholarship Center (DSC) using SetMore





We can help

We have staff available to help with the following:

  • Collaborate with faculty, staff, and students to develop and curate digital scholarship projects, digital humanities projects, digital collections, and educational resources 
  • Developing cross-department collaborations and community-driven projects related to curriculum 
  • Development and curation of digital collections for education
  • Developing and supporting unique course projects 
  • Photographing artifact and specimen to create interactive digital collections
  • Manage web-based digital humanities publishing systems
  • Producing experiential learning opportunities through real-world projects and interactions with the wider community 
  • Developing ADA accessible documents for courses
  • Development of online tutorials 
  • Developing and co-supervising internships related to projects

  • Building and publishing learning resources that support project development, course projects, and online learning

  • Support faculty partners in online learning, including course development and LMS support


Areas we can likely help:

  • Assist with the design and development of specific research projects
  • Provide project and design ideas
  • Assist with grant proposals
  • Sponsor workshop for departments
  • Assist with digitizing primary resource items, such as photographs, objects, documents, etc
  • Provide in-class training for specific software (Assist while the instructor is learning software)
  • Photographing objects, artwork, items (subject to copyright)


Where other Rowan Services can help:

  • Canvas troubleshooting
  • Record lectures or events
  • Printing support
  • Computer and network support and troubleshooting
  • Design and update department or office website
  • Video streaming

Request a Research Consultation with a Librarian

A research consultation is an opportunity to schedule an appointment with a subject librarian to discuss your research.

Schedule a consultation

Free Training Library for the Rowan Community

Access to

The linkedIn Learning logo.

Linked in Learning is an online training library provided by Rowan University Libraries at no cost to Rowan employees and students. The system includes 24/7 online access to the entire library of over 16,000 training videos for learning subjects such as Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Coding, Canvas, and even many business topics. 

The courses and tutorials can be viewed anywhere you have internet access and there are videos for all skill levels.

> > Access to Linked In Learning 
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