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Digital Scholarship Center: Google Forms - Create a Form

Information about the resources in the Digital Scholarship Center

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Google Forms is a powerful form service that works along with Google Sheets in recording and organizing your form's responses. You can use Google Forms for: surveys, receiving contact information, polling, quizzes, and more!

Accessing/Creating a Google Form

Form Setup: Themes, Previews and Settings

On the top of your form, you will see your Setup Toolbar. Setup Toolbar

Adding to your Form

When you are ready to start adding to your form, hover over the default question. You will see a floating toolbar that next to the block. With this toolbar, you can add: Questions, Text, Images, Videos, and Sections. This graphic shows the Floating Toolbar

  1. To create a form from Google Drive, go to New > More > Google Forms. If you click Google Forms, you will be taken to Google Forms with a default template. This graphic shows how to find Google Forms

    You also have the option to use pre-made templates. If you click on the arrow next to Google Forms and choose From a Template, you will be taken to the Template Gallery where you can choose from a wide variety of templates. This graphic shows how to From a Template

    This graphic shows the Template Gallery


  2. Once you decided which template you will use, your new form will open in an editor. This graphic shows how to form a new form

  3. Edit your theme: To edit your theme, click on the Artist's Palette icon Artist's Palette. A pop-over will appear with color options.
    This graphic shows how to edit Theme Color.

    You also have the ability to use images by clicking the image icon in the last circle. When you click on the image icon, you will see the Theme Selector where you can use various premade themes from Google. You can also use images from your Google Drive and upload images from your Computer using the last two options on the bottom. This graphic shows how to Select Themes and Images.


  4. Preview form: To preview your form, click on the eye icon Eye Icon. You will be taken to your form in a new window, to go back into edit mode, your can either close the window you are in and go back to the previous window, or you can click the edit icon on the top right of your browser window Edit Icon.

  5. Edit your settings: To edit your form's settings, click on the Gear icon Gear Icon for Settings. A pop-up will appear with with 3 tabs: General, Presentation, and Quizzes. In-depth explanations of each window are listed below.


    General Tab

    This graphic shows the General Tab. Collect Email Address & Response Receipts: You can opt-in to collect the user's email address as well as send them a receipt with a copy of their response.

    Limit to 1 response: If you want the user to be able to reply only once, check this box. Be aware that the user must sign in with their Google account order for them to fill out the form.

    Edit after Submit: If you want the user to edit their response after they submit, check this box.

    See Summary charts and text responses: If you would like your user to view all responses and charts, check this box. This is great for polls or to view suggestions.




    This graphic shows how the Presentation Tab. Show progress bar: Check this box if you would like the user to view where they are in your form (shown below). Progress Bar

    Shuffle question order: Check this box if you would like to have your questions featured in a random order. These are good for quizzes.

    Show link to submit another response: If you have "Limit to 1 response" in the General Tab checked, this will be greyed out. However, if you do not want your user to sign in (to complete the form) and would only like one response, opt-out by unchecking this box.



    Quizzes Tab

    This graphic shows the Quizzes Tab. Initially, these options will be greyed out until you toggle on "Make this a quiz" at the top.
    Release Grade: You can choose to have the grades viewed by the user immediately or to have them manually reviewed. If you choose manual review, the user must put in their email addresses to receive their grade at a later time.

    Respondents can see: Check any of these boxes if you want the users to see any missed questions that they got wrong, the correct answers after the user submitted their quiz, or/and point values for each question during the quiz.



  6. Add Questions: To add a new question, click on the add icon Add Icon. A new question will pop up. This graphic shows how to Add Questions You can change which question you would like to ask by clicking on the dropdown. This graphic shows Question Choices

    You can view what each of the questions look like by viewing this guide.
    From the bottom bar, you can choose to duplicate a question by clicking the duplicate icon Duplicate Icon, delete a question by clicking the trash icon Delete Icon. You can also choose if you want to make the question required by toggling the on Required.
    You also have more options by clicking the "..." icon as shown below. Depending on the type of question, these extra options will vary: This graphic shows the Extra Options


    If you need to add any text/titles, images, or videos use the corresponding buttons on the toolbar to do so.

  7. If you choose to add different sections to your form, click on the Section Button Add Icon. By adding a section, you can have different pages with questions on your form, and/or you can have the user go to a different section depending on their answers. Under each section, you can also change the behavior of the section by clicking the arrow under the section. This graphic shows the After Section Behavior

  8. After you finish adding your questions and sections, you can now either preview your form as mentioned above, send it to a list of people, share it with a link, or embed it with HTML. This graphic shows how to Share a Form