This research guide helps you search and browse for books and scores for your main instrument (listed on list on the left)
Each page for your individual instrument starts with the Library of Congress classification system for books and scores relevant to each instrument, allowing you to browse the shelves of the library.
The Performing Arts Collection can be found on the Second Floor of Campbell Library.
Please note: As of January 2025 Campbell Library is currently closed for renovations. Please see the renovation website for information on library services.
(Sub-pages under each tab also offer selected primary and secondary source bibliographies.)
Use these call numbers to browse for music for your instrument!
Percussion Works for one performer:
M146 | Drum(s), including timpani, drum set, side drum, etc., and works for one percussionist playing two or more different percussion instruments. |
M147 | Bells, glockenspiel, etc. |
M175.X6 | Xylophone, marimba, vibraharp, vibraphone |
Collections of percussion works for one performer with piano accompaniment
(collections containing works by more than one composer or a variety of different works by the same composer):
M284.B4 | Bells |
M284.C94 | Cymbals |
M284.D8 | Drum |
M284.G65 | Glockenspiel |
M284.P4 | Percussion (one percussionist playing two or more different percussion instruments) |
M284.T5 | Timpani |
M284.X9 | Xylophone, marimba, vibraphone |
Separate percussion works for one performer with piano accompaniment
(one work by one composer):
M285.B4 | Bells |
M285.C94 | Cymbals |
M285.D8 | Drum |
M285.G65 | Glockenspiel |
M285.P4 | Percussion |
M285.T5 | Timpani |
M285.X9 | Xylophone, marimba, vibraphone |
Works for all percussionists or percussion and a combination of other instruments:
M298 | Duets |
M340–344 | Trios with piano |
M385 | Trios without piano |
M445–449 | Quartets with piano |
M485 | Quartets without piano |
M545–549 | Quintets with piano |
M585 | Quintets without piano |
M645–649 | Sextets with piano |
M685 | Sextets without piano |
M745–749 | Septets with piano |
M785 | Septets without piano |
M845–849 | Octets with piano |
M885 | Octets without piano |
M945–949 | Nonets with piano |
M985 | Nonets without piano |
Percussion solo with orchestral accompaniment:
M1038 | Percussion with orchestra (full scores) |
M1039 | Percussion with orchestra (piano reductions) |
M1039.4.X9 | Xylophone with orchestra (piano reductions) |
M1138 | Percussion with string orchestra (full scores) |
M1139 | Percussion with string orchestra (piano reductions) |
Percussion instruction and method books; studies; orchestral excerpts and parts:
MT655–656 | General |
MT660 | Timpani |
MT662 | Drum, bass, drum, snare, drum, etc., including drum set and instruction for the entire batterie |
MT663 | Bongo, conga drums |
MT664 | Tabla |
MT719 | Xylophone, marimba, vibraphone |
MT722 | Implements put to musical use (e.g., kitchen utensils) |
These subject headings help you search our collections by precise genres and instrument combinations. Use these in advanced searches using subject headings in Library Search to see our holdings or WorldCat to see what is available through other libraries.
Solo percussion music: |
suites (marimba); sonatas (timpani); variations (xylophone); rondos (percussion) snare drum music; vibraphone music, percussion music, etc. |
Duets: |
marimba music (4 hands), sonatas (marimba, 4 hands), etc. |
Two or more percussionists, each playing one or more instruments: |
suites (percussion ensemble), sonatas (percussion ensemble), etc. percussion ensembles |
Percussion and Orchestra: | concertos (percussion), concertos (marimba), concertos (vibraphone)
percussion with orchestra concertos (marimba with string orchestra) rondos (marimba with orchestra), etc. |
Classification Numbers for Books on Percussion
Reference books:
ML102.P4 | Percussion dictionaries and encyclopedias |
ML128.P23 | Percussion bibliographies |
Books on percussion history and criticism:
ML1030 | General |
ML1035 | Drums including drum set |
ML1036 | Timpani |
ML1038 | Other percussion instruments alphabetically: arará, atabaque, batá, bodhrán, bonkó, bronze drum, ceṇḍa, dhimay, kotsuzumi, mridanga, nāykhim, pung, rebana, santūr, steel drum, tabla, tupan |
ML1039 | Bells, carillons, gongs, chimes, including change ringing, peals, etc. |
ML1048 | Xylophone, marimba, vibraphone, etc. |
ML1049 | All other percussion instruments not mentioned in ML1038 |
Bajzek, Dieter. Percussion: an Annotated Bibliography with Special Emphasis on Contemporary Notation and Performance. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988. PAC Ref. ML 128.P23 B34 1988
Beck, John H., ed. Encyclopedia of Percussion. New York: Routledge, 1995. PAC Ref. ML 102 P429E5 1995
Combs, F. Michael. Solo and Ensemble Literature for Percussion. Terre Haute, Ind: Percussive Arts Society, 1972. PAC Ref. ML 128.P23 C6 1972
Girsberger, Russ., and Anthony J. Cirone. A Practical Guide to Percussion Terminology. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Meredith Music, 1998. PAC Ref. ML 102.P4 G57 1998
Hartenberger, Russell, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Percussion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Available Online
Siwe, Thomas. Artful Noise: Percussion Literature in the Twentieth Century. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2020. Available Online
Boston Conservatory Percussion Database:
Percussive Arts Society: